Discover How You Can Help Protect Mother Nature From Harm
As you know, from April’s showers come May flowers. However, these flowers aren’t the only things flourishing this month. A sense of awe and appreciation for a very special lady comes into bloom, too.
You see, this woman is a breath of fresh air—literally. Not only does she bring forth life, she continues to provide resources needed to survive, too. She is the mom we all share. She is Mother Nature.
Our team at J.R. Bolton is committed to caring for Mother Nature. In fact, from our heating and air conditioning services in Fulton County, GA, to our insulation and air sealing solutions in Gwinnett County, GA, our fleet of services are centered on protecting Mother Nature’s wellbeing the best way we know how. That is to help our customers increase the energy efficiency of their homes.
Efficiency Only Not Even a Mother Could Love
Choosing to increase your home’s energy efficiency is a win-win decision. That’s because operating a home that works at its best eliminates energy waste, which makes it effortless and affordable for you to keep your space comfortable. Plus, it secures a healthier future for the environment, too. Here’s why.
Heating and cooling systems don’t have to work as hard to keep energy-efficient homes comfy. For you, this boosted efficiency will expand your unit’s lifespan, delay your need for a system replacement, lower your energy bills and boost your comfort.
For Mother Nature, a more energy-efficient home:
- Releases less greenhouse gases into the environment
- Reduces your reliance on fossil fuels
- Decreases your carbon footprint
- … And so much more!
Attain the Mother Lode of Savings, Comfort & Protection
Nature’s calling for you to attain a more energy-efficient home. Are you ready to answer? If so, then J.R. Bolton is here to help you dial in your home’s efficiency.
We’ll start by performing an energy efficiency audit of your home. During this audit, our experts will thoroughly evaluate how your home operates. This will expose where it uses and loses the most energy. Armed with these findings, we’ll recommend necessary improvements to address any deficiencies.
From improving performance through our heating and air conditioning repair services in Fulton County to upgrading to more energy-efficient equipment, our team will offer our expert opinion as to whether a repair or a replacement is the best decision to increase your home’s efficiency.
However, the most effective way to land a more comfortable and healthier home with significantly lower energy bills is through air sealing and insulating your home. Here’s why.
Like Mother, Like Daughter
From doors and windows to electrical outlets, there are countless areas around your home where cool or heated air is seeping out while outdoor air is sneaking in. This problem is known as air leakage. It wreaks havoc on your comfort and your budget because it leads to:
- Inadequate heat in the winter
- Excessive heat in the summer
- Unpredictable comfort
- Off-the-charts energy bills
- Mold problems
- … And, unfortunately, more!
Luckily, our air duct sealing services are the simplest, most cost-effective way to put a stop to this major issue. Our team will use sophisticated equipment and proven methods to find out how much air is seeping out of your home and identify the exact areas where it’s escaping. Then, we’ll use this information to seal the leaks around your home.
However, keep this in mind: Air sealing reduces your home’s airflow, but it doesn’t prevent heat transfer. Insulation does. So, to attain the highest level of energy efficiency, after you air seal your home, it’s important you insulate it, too. When combined, these services are the perfect recipe for serenity.
The Team Everybody & Their Mother Loves
From this moment on, vow to treat Mother Nature the way she deserves. To start doing your part in protecting the mom we all share, fill out our online form or call us at 770.268.2010 today!