Zone in on These Game-Winning Tips!
While collegiate basketball teams across the country are vying for the championship title, don’t just sit on the sidelines. This year, get in on the action by rallying for your own victory—and that’s a more comfortable and energy-efficient home!
Here are some tips that will help you score the comfort and savings you deserve!
Don’t Let Your System Hit the Court Cold!
Before every practice and game, athletes warm up their muscles and joints to avoid injury and to ensure that, when they step out on the court, they’re prepared to play their best.
It’s important your heating and cooling systems warm up, too! Give your unit the best shot to make it through heating or cooling season—injury free—by scheduling the AC or furnace maintenance in Gwinnett County it needs, which includes a preseason inspection and a mid-game checkup.
During our maintenance service, our HVAC pros will thoroughly examine your unit and its parts to ensure it’s game ready. We’ll provide you with an injury report, indicating any issues that could sideline your system. Then, whether it’s a minor tweak or a major adjustment, we’ll rehab your system to get it back in the game.
As stats show, taking time to prepare your unit to hit the court not only prevents injuries but also:
- Increases your system’s shooting percentage for efficiency
- Keeps your energy bills from going out of bounds
- Adds years to your unit’s playing career
- Leads to full-court coverage of consistent comfort throughout your home
Make Use of Your Time Outs
Even the best players in the world make mistakes. However, a good coach knows when to let a player keep playing and when there’s something seriously wrong with him or her.
The same is true with your HVAC system. If you notice any of the following, you need to quickly call a time out and tend to your heating or cooling system:
- Your unit is making loud or strange noises.
- Your cooling system is failing to deliver cool air.
- Your furnace is blowing cold air.
- Your home is failing to maintain the set temperature.
- There’s an increase of dry air and dust in your home.
The sooner you call Bolton’s techs over to check out your system, the quicker we can address the issue and get your system back in the game. This fast response to the need for a repair also prevents a minor problem from leading to a career-ending injury.
Know When It’s Time to Hang Up Your System’s Jersey
Your comfort system is an investment. So, we know you want to get as much playing time out of your unit as possible before you need to retire its number. However, there comes a point where the benefit of cutting your heating or cooling system from your roster outweighs the financial burden of keeping your aged system on your team.
Look out for the following signs indicating it’s time for your unit to head to the locker room for good:
- Your unit has been in the game for 10 or more years.
- Your energy bills are on the rise, causing your budget to go into overtime.
- Your unit keeps getting injured and needs frequent repairs.
- Your unit shoots for consistent temperatures from room to room but delivers air balls.
You can’t be victorious in your pursuit of total comfort when you’re playing a man down. That’s why Bolton is here to assist you with your system replacement. We’ll work with you to recruit the heating or cooling system that your comfort team needs to return to the court stronger and better than ever!
The Ball Is in Your Court Now!
Are you committed to defeating discomfort? Prove it. From addressing your unit’s need for a repair to scheduling AC or furnace maintenance in Fulton County, contact J.R. Bolton today by filling out our online form or calling us at 770.268.2010!